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Our Benefits

Overseas Employment Agency – Benefits

  1. Our employment agency has a well-equipped office which is manned by highly experienced and trained recruitment agency staff to process demand of any volume.
  2. Our efficient and senior manpower agency staff can go through the process of selection and consequent processing and paper work in the minimum possible time.
  3. Our team of experts at the staffing agency can select the right candidate for you matching your job descriptions
    At our overseas employment agency, the team is honest and sincere. The selection is made solely on the basis of merit and talents.
  4. Our manpower agency always honours its commitments and proceeds as per the instructions of the clients.
    We have a team of manpower staffing experts in various fields and a panel of legal advisors to assist us in our manpower employment services.
  5. We have arrangements with leading trade testing centers to assess the skills and practical plus theoretical knowledge of the candidates.
  6. We make arrangements with Government authorized medical test centers to screen the employees for medical fitness.
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